Dungarvan Rugby Club

Enhanced Player, Coach and Volunteer Insurance

IRFU insurance cover and recommendations for additional insurance


Enhanced Personal Accident Cover

The DRFC Club Committee has  put in place enhanced insurance cover for ALL REGISTERED Coaches, mini, youth, adult players, and volunteers for the current season  (2022-2023). All Coaches, volunteers and players  MUST be fully paid up members to be covered by the clubs insurance

The standard  IRFU cover provides:

  1. a) Death €500,000
  2. b) Total loss by physical severance or total and permanent

irrecoverable loss of use of both lower limbs and both upper limbs


  1. c) Loss of two or more Limbs or Loss of both Eyes or one of each


  1. d) Loss of Limb or Loss of Eye €250,000
  2. e) Permanent total disablement (As defined in the policy document)


Our Enhanced cover additionally provides

  1. The Basic Unit of Cover consists of:
    1. Death €187,500
    2. Loss of One or More Limbs\Eyes €187,500
    3. Loss of One Limb or One Eye €93,750
    4. Permanent Total Disablement from Usual Occupation €187,500
    5. Medical Expenses arising from injury covered €1,875
    6. Temporary Total Disablement €260 pw
    7. Fatal Collapse (non accident) Benefit €12,500

2: Medical Expenses following an accident (subject to €100 Excess per Claim)

3: Weekly Benefit

Temporary Total Disablement following an accident is payable for a maximum of 26 weeks after the first four weeks deferment.

This enhanced cover is provided for within your annual subscription.

All players must have paid their annual subscription in order to participate in club activities and to compete as a team member in any rugby competition or event.

The Club strongly recommends that younger players take out annual personal accident insurance that is available from most schools as it provides additional cover for most sports including rugby